
Very nice drawings here - makes me want to get a tablet...but first i should use the watercolours given to me last year....


apparently - today is the most depressing day of the year


The transport gods are after me. My car was stolen last week. I got it back at the end of the week as the thieves (I suspect a couple of homeless kids) were arrested in Quebec City. Nice and toasty with a 101 fever I took a morning bus to Quebec, cab ride to the towing yard, had the guy show me how to start my car with a screwdriver, drove back to Montreal in a storm and dropped it off at the garage. Before even doing any repairs I'd shelled out over $200 just to get my stolen car back - $100 just to the towing company. (I don't have insurance). Beyond leaving the car a shithole with my personal belongings strewn all over the back seat intermingled with their clothes (including underwear) - they were kind enough to bust the ignition, a window, the lock to the trunk, and rip out the back seat.
The gods ain't done quite yet. I just brought my bike in from outside as it was finally above zero and I could unlock the frozen bike lock - i figured I'd "dry out" the lock inside so I could start using my bike again. No go. It seems one of Montreal's finest snowplough drivers decided to use my bike as a battering ram. The frame is a pretzel.
Tommorrow I expect to find my shoes burned to a crisp under the transport gods' magnifying glass of terror....