
excited about maurice sendak and spike jonze
i am on an fda mailing list for life threatening recalls:
FDA posts press releases and other notices of recalls and market withdrawals from the firms involved as a service to consumers, the media, and other interested parties. FDA does not endorse either the product or the company. This listserv covers mainly Class I (life-threatening) recalls. A complete listing of recalls can be found in the FDA Enforcement Report at: http://www.fda.gov/opacom/Enforce.html

beyond blowfish being labelled as monkfish - i thought this recall is pretty funny considering the product name:
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE -- Atlanta, GA -- August 27, 2007 -- Bella Cucina of Atlanta, Georgia is recalling units of Death by Chocolate cookies [my emphasis] if your bag does not correctly state that the product contains walnuts. People who have an allergy or severe sensitivity to Walnuts run the risk of serious or life threatening allergic reaction if they consume these products.


celine can't be that bad:
Although the Academy Awards ceremony didn’t sit too well with Smith, and he, as well as his bright white suit, was trashed on television, he says it did force him to change his mind about Celine Dion, who performed right after he did. "She was really sweet, which has made it impossible for me to dislike Celine Dion anymore. Even though I can’t stand the music that she makes -- with all due respect I don’t like it much at all -- but she herself was very, very nice. She asked me if I was nervous and I said, ‘Yeah.’ And she was like, ‘That’s good because you get your adrenaline going, and it’ll make your song better. It’s a beautiful song.’ Then she gave me a big hug. It was too much. It was too human to be dismissed simply because I find her music trite."